Can I put my account “on hold” when I am out of town for an extended period?
You can put your account on a vacation hold if you are leaving for extended periods of time for $20 a month. Contact us for details. (6 month maximum)
You can put your account on a vacation hold if you are leaving for extended periods of time for $20 a month. Contact us for details. (6 month maximum)
Cimarron’s fiber and wireless services have no data caps for residential or business customers. However, data caps do apply to our satellite service through Viasat.
No. Cimarron is available to all residents and businesses of Rio Blanco County, but it is not mandated. Customers may choose to keep their existing Internet service or replace their existing service with Cimarron.
We recommend canceling your current internet service right after your Cimarron installation is complete to avoid any interruptions. Before switching, check your bill for any cancellation fees. Residential customers typically don’t have contracts or early termination fees, but business customers often do. If you have cable, you can choose to keep your TV service through the [...]
There are no contracts. The service is month-to-month meaning we have to keep and win your business every month. This is not a promotional price.
Service Pricing Data Caps Fiber (25Mbps) $50.00 No Fiber (100Mbps) $65.00 No Fiber (300Mbps) $75.00 No Fiber (1Gbps) $90.00 No Rio Blanco Wireless/Cimarron Wireless $70.00 No VWG Unlimited Bronze 12-35 (Satellite) $69.99 Yes VWG Unlimited Silver 12-45 (Satellite) $99.99 Yes VWG Unlimited Gold 12-65 (Satellite) $149.99 Yes